27 November 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from Baghdad!

As I close in toward the end of my deployment, I have quite a bit for which to be thankful. In addition my previous personal inventory (see “The Golden Ticket,” below), I’m thankful for the outpouring of support I’ve received from back home. You all really have made this experience a better one.

Anyway, lest you think this is all about being mushy, I’ll try to answer the question: So what is Thanksgiving like for a staff officer in Baghdad? Well, it was actually pretty good, or maybe I’m going a little insane—it’s a short trip. There’s still a little work, but I got to get a little of a late start—a little breakfast, then a run that turned into more of a leisurely walk. I really should take a leisurely walk more often.

Thanksgiving dinner (or ‘linner,’ as we were calling it, since it was at lunchtime) was pretty good, if crowded. There were all the normal Thanksgiving foods; I had the Cornish game hen for the first time in several years. I must have missed the cranberry sauce in another crowded line, but I also didn’t notice its absence until well after dinner. I’d had the pumpkin pie several times in the last week, so my friends teased me for having gotten the same dessert again.

After ‘linner,’ it was back to the office for a bit, then outside to play dominoes under a marvelous sunset. I didn’t get to call home, though—all the phone circuits were busy, indicating that I had chosen to call home at about the same time as everyone else on the base.

All in all, it was a pretty good Thanksgiving, and much better than too many people get, especially in these hard times. Too many people are going to have trouble making ends meet, and too many people will lose their lives. Thanksgiving should be about giving thanks, especially for having the ability to celebrate a nice Thanksgiving.

Thanks be to God for all the blessings of this life.


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